So I've got a game for us to play. You run into your kitchen, whip up your favourite frozen margarita recipe and see from how many different angles you can photo it. Any less than 30 and I win. And I'm being totally serious here. About the number of photos - not the game. I don't really want you to go and make a margarita. Unless you want to, of course. It is Friday.
What I was getting at with the whole game analogy was that when it came to editing the pics of this alcoholic Slush Puppy -type recipe, I had 30 different photos which I had to go through and let me tell you, even as a food blogger, I struggled to tell the difference between them.
In fact, some of them were so similar I swear I had just stood there pressing the button on my camera over and over without even moving. Why did I take so many pictures? Well, last week I made up a FrozenĀ StrawberryĀ Beergarita and although it tasted amazing, it looked oh-so ugly in every single picture. I was so devastated - but luckily, I had a Frozen Strawberry Beergarita to make me feel better so it all worked out.
My first experiences of these types of cocktail drinks were in June when My Official Treat Taster and I went on holiday. I fell in love with the Californian White Zinfandel wine and MOTT fell head over heels for those tiny cans of Bud Light Beergaritas. I thought they tasted terrible - all of them apart from the lime one which I couldn't get enough of.
After sampling those teeny tiny cocktails and having such fab results, MOTT ordered a frozen beergarita at a restaurant one night and wow...just wow. We were both totally blown away - we do not get that sort of thing in Europe! It was aĀ giant margarita glass filled to the brim with a frosty lime margarita with a bottle of Coronita sitting upside down in the top of it. I think we stared at it for a few moments, not quite sure what to do with it before he remembered it was a cocktail, not a piece of artwork, and took the first sip.
After seeing that incredible creation, I just knew I had to make my own one when I got home. Fast forward two months and I've finally whipped up my own to add to my ever-expanding repertoire of alcoholic drink recipes. The beer of choice in a beergarita is usually a Corona or a Coronita, but Dorada Tropical Limon is so delicious and works even better, I think.
You probably won't be able to get the stuff where you live, since Dorada is a strictly Tenerife brand of beer, but any lemon or lime beer would work just as well. Just make sure that if you're going to balance the bottle it in the glass like I did, you use a smaller-than-normal beer bottle. Otherwise...well, I don't really have to explain the consequences of that, do I?
š Recipe
- 1 cup ice
- 2 oz tequila
- 1 oz triple sec
- juice of 1 lime
- 1 small bottle of lemon or lime flavoured beer
- Place the ice, tequila, triple sec and lime juice into the blender and process until the ice has completely broken down and you've got a thick slush.
- Pour the frozen mixture into a large glass and carefully balance the full bottle of beer in it upside down.
- Serve immediately whilst the margarita is frozen and slowly pull the bottle upward as you drink, allowing the beer to slowly mix itself into the cocktail.
Megan @ Our Pinteresting Family
This is just what I need to have at some point over the weekend. Thanks for sharing.
Ashley @
I've never tried one of these, but now I'm intrigued! Thanks for mentioning about the "smaller than average bottle", I totally would have ended up with a slushy mess and broken bottle lol. Thanks for sharing! Pinned š
Joy @ Yesterfood
You got some great photos! Yes, you win! This sounds luscious, and I'm so glad you shared it with us at Treasure Box Tuesday- pinned! š
Laura@Baking in Pyjamas
Sounds great and looks very thirst quenching. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!
I'm so excited to have found this recipe, this is a favorite of mine. Years ago someone gave me this recipe and I lost it and haven't had it since. Thanks so much for sharing at Fluster's Creative Muster. Pinning, so I don't lose it again!
Well this just looks like too much fun not to try out!
Saw your link on Krafty Cards Etc.
Val @ artsybuildinglady